AFC mass flow controller
- rigid metallic construction
available flow ranges starting from 0 to 10 sccm up to 0 to 100 slpm
maximum pressure of 1000 psig (70 bars)
0-5 Vdc or 4-20 mA signals
leak integrity 1 x 10-9 smL/sec of helium
accuracy of ±1% full scale
totalizer option
circuit protection
DFC digital mass flow controller
- digital and analog modes operate
programmable flow configurations
available flow ranges starting from 0 to 10 sccm up to 0 to 100 slpm
maximum pressure of 1000 psig (70 bars)
multi-drop capability of up to 256 units
stores calibration data for up to 10 gases
totalizer indicates total gas quantity
alarm limits for high and low gas flow
DPC mass flow controller
- Multi-Gas functionality: support for 90 different gases and gas mixes.
“User Defined Mixture” functionality allows to create and store up
20 custom gas mixes with up to 5 different gases each.
Quick (100-150 ms) response time.1 n Standard accuracy ± (0.5% RD + 0.2% FS). n 200 to 1 turn-down ratio.
Two programmable mass flow rate totalizers.
High, Low or In Range Alarms with preset action delay for Mass Flow, Temperature and Pressure.
GFC mass flow controller
- ± 1% FS accuracy is standard
rigid metallic construction
available flow ranges starting from 0 to 10 sccm up to 0 to 1000 slpm
maximum pressure of 1000 psig (70 bars)
leak integrity 1 x 10-9 sccs of helium
NIST traceable certification
built-in tiltable LCD readout (some models)
local or remote setpoint control
0-5 Vdc and 4-20 mA signals
circuit protection
totalizer option
TIO Accessory Totalizer Input/Output
- Displays instantaneous, total and accumulated flow rates.
Built-in Flow Linearizer (10 point linearization of the flow curve).
Up to 47 different volumetric and mass flow engineering units.
Large 13mm (0.51") digits for flow rate and 5.5mm (0.21") for Total.
Digital RS-232 or RS-485 interface (multi-drop capability of up to 64 devices.)